Growing health and effectiveness

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Things that intrigue me

Doors: what is behind them?

Winding roads: where do they lead?

Lighted windows at night: who is home and what are they doing?

Planes taking off: where are they going?

People: what are they thinking?

Good spy stories: how will it end?

The new year: what will it bring?

I love the start of a new year. It is an adventure all over again, for me now 52 times. There is no way to know what will happen, what I will learn, what paths I will walk, what opportunities I will have, what challenges I will face. It is like opening a present little by little over the next twelve months, one piece at a time for 365 days!

Last year most of what I had planned was diverted by God with a long hospital stay. Where was the gift? In seeing God intervene, in being the object of his mercy, in being able to publish a book and finish another one, in more time with my wife than I have had in 20 years. What gifts did you unwrap last year?

One of my greatest gifts was watching it snow and enjoying Christmas with my family - celebrating the gift of life. It is funny how we lose sight of what is really important. God saved my life. That is important. I didn't need any other gifts this Christmas.

In a few days the gift of 2008 is history with all of its ups and downs. And the unfolding of 2009 starts. I see it as an adventure. Life may be good, or hard, certainly unpredictable, but as a Christ follower, just following Him wherever life leads is adventure enough. Every day a new door opens, or we see through a different window or turn another bend in the road. I relish the ride!

1 comment:

RobCarey said...

Wonderful words. Great perspective on the new year- thank you for sharing these thoughts in this creative way.