Growing health and effectiveness

A blog centered around The Addington Method, leadership, culture, organizational clarity, faith issues, teams, Emotional Intelligence, personal growth, dysfunctional and healthy leaders, boards and governance, church boards, organizational and congregational cultures, staff alignment, intentional results and missions.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Symptoms of organizational non-alignment and signs of healthy alignment

The level of alignment within an organization is a direct indicator of its health, clarity and ultimately its ability to deliver on its mission. Thus it is worthwhile to consider symptoms of non-alignment as well as signs of healthy alignment. Think about the organization you lead or serve with as you consider these.

Symptoms of organizational non-alignment:

  • There is little or no coordination of efforts between teams or ministries and often they do not know or care what others are doing.
  • There is competition for resources and jockeying for position within the ministry and people guard their turf.
  •  A common vocabulary is lacking.
  • Active cooperation between teams and their leaders is rare or nonexistent.
  • Members of various teams or divisions do their own thing without a cohesive ministry plan that everyone adheres to.
  • Critical spirits and mistrust are common.

Signs of healthy alignment

  • There is a common missional vocabulary that you hear from everyone in the organization.
  • A great deal of interaction occurs between ministry leaders and team members as they pursue common goals, coordinate their efforts and actively support one another.
  • Lone rangers (teams or leaders) don't exist and when they do occur, they are quickly brought into alignment and relationship with the whole.
  • Rather than politics and turf guarding there is dialogue around issues and a concern for the health of the whole. 
  • Teams and members speak well of one another in a highly collegial atmosphere.
  • There is a high level of trust within the organization as a whole.
  • Teams cooperate with one another, support one another and actively work together toward common objectives.

There is no doubt that alignment or the lack of it has a direct impact on the organizations culture and their ability to deliver on their mission. Which of these symptoms or signs describe the culture you work in?

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