Disturbing trends for Christianity in China
Missions and China's current political climate
The curtailing of freedoms in China will impact business, missions and the free flow of information
Putin crosses a line - Bans Russians from preaching the Gospel outside churches
Terrorism and missions
Check out this map of the world's largest languages
What missionaries aren't telling you (and what they need from you). From a veteran missionary
A must read for all those interested in Latin American Christianity
God is alive and well in Cuba
The future of world religions with growth projections from the Pew Research Center
7 encouraging trends in global Christianity
Great article: A plea for Gospel sanity in missions
Check out this map and article on Islam in Europe from the Economist
If we saw ministry in the United States through missionary eyes we would do things differently
Does missions separate families?
The top 50 countries where it's most difficult to be a Christian
One map says a great deal about the growth rate of evangelical Christianity globally
Why mission agencies do not pay ransom for staff who are kidnapped
A surprising map on the world's most and least religiously diverse countries
Understanding one of the most important countries in Africa
World conflict, the Gospel and our personal response
Five current dangers to world missions
14 things missionaries might want to tell you but probably won't
Avoiding paternalism in missions through a round table approach with ministry partnerships
A real time picture of globalization: Most commonly spoken language (other than English) in each London borough
Christianity is alive and well in Cuba
Can the gospel impact whole cities?
Looking away from the lamppost
The 20 countries where Christianity is growing the fastest
The amazing, surprising, Africa-driven demographic future of the earth in 9 charts
The single greatest deficit in missions today
Change blindness and missions today
Missions and Europe: Should we be sending missionaries to a place that has been evangelized in the past?
Partnerships in missions: Five principles
Berlin - A city of destiny
Looking and praying for open ministry doors
This story will rock your world! From India
It is time to stop the blame game in missions
Can the cities of Europe be re-evangelized?
Accountability for missionaries - rethinking the paradigm
The both/and of missions: Gospel and Compassion
What is missions? Be careful how you define your missions efforts
Short Term Missions - Doing it Right
What are you and your church doing to raise up workers for the harvest?
Mission agencies: Choose wisely
The nine critical shifts that must take place in missions today
Helpful and wise words from a veteran missionary to the US church
What I wish my supporters understood about my work as a missionary
We will not support you as a missionary because...
A wake up call for missions: The world is moving to the city
Moving from fear to friendships with Muslims
Sticker shock in missions
Holistic missions: Cautions and Opportunities
Bride over Brand
Best practices for training overseas
Strategic missions strategy: Leveraging your investment
Its about the Bride not the Brand
Generosity by ministry personnel and missionaries
Missionary support team building: Very tough work
Safety is not our highest value
Missions and child protection
Parents: A major inhibitor to sending new missionaries
The world hits 7 Billion
TED talk at the Mission Exchange on critical shifts that need to take place in the mission world
It really is a very bad idea
Changing antiquated local church mission strategies
Definitions of poverty and wealth in the majority world
Muslims are not the problem
Straight talk about results in missions
Disappointment in missions
Leadership in missions
Persecution: How God turns the tables
Syncretism and false altars
Missions in the 21st Century: Two circles, one goal
When money hurts mission efforts
From leader to partner in global missions
What kind of churches should we be planting around the world?
Western vs. indigenous missionaries
Missions and the Holy Spirit
Determining what missionaries to support?
What is the Gospel worth?
Do it alone or do it together
Missions and the incarnation
It's too dangerous
Trends in missions today
Game changers in missions
Emotional Intelligence in missions
Understanding Sharia law
Missions nice and missions strategic
Missions and risk
Real missions
The changing face of world missions
What missionaries should your church support?
Best practices that can help you leverage your missions strategy
By the numbers: A snapshot of our globe
Ordinary people
Ripples in global ministry