Growing health and effectiveness

A blog centered around The Addington Method, leadership, culture, organizational clarity, faith issues, teams, Emotional Intelligence, personal growth, dysfunctional and healthy leaders, boards and governance, church boards, organizational and congregational cultures, staff alignment, intentional results and missions.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Five contrasts between healthy and unhealthy leaders

There are significant contracts between healthy and unhealthy leaders. If you lead, take a moment and consider the following contrasts. The reality is that in each case, every leader struggles with some of these and growing in personal health is a lifelong pursuit. Any leader who claims that they are fully healthy in all five is fooling themselves. you read these, consider honestly where you are in each contrasted character trait.

Contrast one: Pride versus humility
Pride sees life as being about us while humility sees life as about others. Pride believes that others should serve us while humility believes that we are here to serve others. People with significant pride focus most of life on themselves while those with true humility focus most of life on others. Prideful individuals like and need the spotlight while humble leaders focus the light on others. For a Christ follower, life is a journey from pride to humility and Jesus is our model of humility.

Contrast two: Personal gain versus a life of stewardship
Leaders have perks. They have more flexibility than others, get paid better, have more power in the organization and have more control over their destiny. Some leaders love it and use their leadership status and power for personal gain whether in salary, power or other opportunities that benefit them. there is a direct connection between an attitude of pride and a desire for personal gain.

Contrast that outlook on life with one that sees leadership as a trust to be stewarded. It is not about personal gain but about stewarding a mission and a staff. Stewards have a humble persona that is not self seeking but is other centric. Leadership as a stewardship sees authority and power as tools to serve the staff and mission and not for personal gain.

Contrast three: Intentionally accountable versus intentionally unaccountable
Unhealthy and self seeking leaders will intentionally foster systems that protect themselves from close accountability or scrutiny. Sometimes the strategy is to surround themselves with people whom they can manipulate. At other times unhealthy leaders use personal intimidation to prevent questions from being raised. Interestingly enough, in the Christian world you can add another strategy: allowing people to place themselves on a pedestal of spiritual leadership which keeps many people from challenging that leader. Make no mistake: These are intentional strategies to screen themselves from close accountability.

Healthy leaders are equally intentional but their intention is to keep themselves accountable so that there are no questions about their integrity, practices and activities. They create cultures that are open and which allow for contrary opinions, allows and encourages questions and is not threatened by debate. In creating this kind of culture healthy leaders create a culture of accountability because nothing is off limits and the open ethos creates natural accountability. While unhealthy leaders try to shield themselves from scrutiny, healthy leaders create a culture of accountability.

Contrast four: Control versus empowerment and freedom
A major indicator of unhealthy leaders is a need to control. That control can be manifested in control of people, of money and resources, of information through its withholding, of debate questions that disagree with the leader and finally, the need to regularly get their way. The greater the culture of control, the more dysfunctional the system. This is not about legitimate controls necessary to accomplish one's mission but a culture of control that seeks to limit the conversation, questions and ideas.

Healthy leaders understand that unless they can pull out the very best from those around them, the organization will not move forward. They encourage discussion around the allocation of resources, they share information liberally in order to foster a flat organization, give people the freedom to share their opinions and challenge the status quo, and people the freedom to use their gifts and abilities to accomplish their responsibilities. It is a culture of empowerment, not control.

Contrast five: Image control versus mission accomplishment
When you encounter leaders who have a high need to practice image control be wary. Image control is about the leader. It is about the leader looking good which is about pride, ego and narcissism. Healthy leaders are not focused on their image but on helping the organization accomplish its mission. Image control is inward looking whereas accomplishing the mission is outward looking.

For those who lead it is worthwhile to think through these five contrasts and where they fit on the continuum with each. Also, don't be fooled by impressive looking leaders who exhibit the unhealthy characteristics on the left of the continuums above. Where you find symptoms of dishealth above, it will harm the organization.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

When a pastor resigns but doesn't leave

I recently received a call from a staff member of a large church that I know well. Their long-time pastor has resigned. Not only is he still on the payroll, but he remains in town and meets with several dozen key church leaders regularly, including several elders.

This leader has been the impetus for many staff members leaving the church over the years due to his domineering manner, bully tactics, and desire to get his own way. He has a terrible reputation among the staff he worked with but is loved by the congregation, who are unaware of the internal dysfunction. He gets his own way, and the board does not constrain him. He is a force of nature, and they will not go head-to-head with him.

The elders are well-meaning but naïve. They allowed a dysfunctional situation to exist for years longer than they should have. They had the information they needed to deal with the situation but did not. And now, when they have secured a resignation, their former leader is inexorably linked to the congregation through the leaders he meets with weekly, including several elders. After all, it is only a bible study!

Why do intelligent people often check their intellect at the door of a church board meeting? As if the pastor has all wisdom and they none? In my years of consulting with congregations, I have seen this repeatedly. Often, after due diligence, I tell the board what I have found, and what amazes me is that they are not unaware. But they have not done anything about the matter. In the meantime, people have been hurt.

These same elders plan to have a new pastor by the end of the year. Even though the most recent pastor has been there for several decades. I told the staff member who spoke with me that no wise pastor would touch this church, given the history above and the ongoing relationship of the past senior pastor with the church. Oh, there will be plenty of pastors willing to come because it is a well-known church. But they will never be their own leader, and they are likely to be a short-term casualty of the prior pastor who, while "gone," is still "there." He got his way for years, and he will continue to get his way if he stays. He will also most likely end up destroying the ministry of the new leader.

As I listened, I had two reactions. One was amazement at the lack of discernment on the part of the leaders. The other was, "I have seen this kind of situation too many times," where board members are simply not thinking wisely about the situations they face. This is not leadership. This is not being innocent as a dove but wise as a serpent. I am sad but not surprised. Their actions or inaction are setting up the next leader to fail and, in doing so, to hurt the congregation they are responsible for.

Leaders: Lead with wisdom and don't be naïve about the intentions and actions of others. Please! Don't be foolish in the name of "nice." 

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Index and links to all blogs on world missions

Disturbing trends for Christianity in China

Missions and China's current political climate

The curtailing of freedoms in China will impact business, missions and the free flow of information

Putin crosses a line - Bans Russians from preaching the Gospel outside churches

Terrorism and missions

Check out this map of the world's largest languages

What missionaries aren't telling you (and what they need from you). From a veteran missionary

A must read for all those interested in Latin American Christianity

God is alive and well in Cuba

The future of world religions with growth projections from the Pew Research Center

7 encouraging trends in global Christianity

Great article: A plea for Gospel sanity in missions

Check out this map and article on Islam in Europe from the Economist

If we saw ministry in the United States through missionary eyes we would do things differently

Does missions separate families?

The top 50 countries where it's most difficult to be a Christian

One map says a great deal about the growth rate of evangelical Christianity globally

Why mission agencies do not pay ransom for staff who are kidnapped

A surprising map on the world's most and least religiously diverse countries

Understanding one of the most important countries in Africa

World conflict, the Gospel and our personal response

Five current dangers to world missions

14 things missionaries might want to tell you but probably won't

Avoiding paternalism in missions through a round table approach with ministry partnerships

A real time picture of globalization: Most commonly spoken language (other than English) in each London borough

Christianity is alive and well in Cuba

Can the gospel impact whole cities?

Looking away from the lamppost

The 20 countries where Christianity is growing the fastest

The amazing, surprising, Africa-driven demographic future of the earth in 9 charts

The single greatest deficit in missions today

Change blindness and missions today

Missions and Europe: Should we be sending missionaries to a place that has been evangelized in the past?

Partnerships in missions: Five principles

Berlin - A city of destiny

Looking and praying for open ministry doors

This story will rock your world! From India

It is time to stop the blame game in missions

Can the cities of Europe be re-evangelized?

Accountability for missionaries - rethinking the paradigm

The both/and of missions: Gospel and Compassion

What is missions? Be careful how you define your missions efforts

Short Term Missions - Doing it Right

What are you and your church doing to raise up workers for the harvest?

Mission agencies: Choose wisely

The nine critical shifts that must take place in missions today

Helpful and wise words from a veteran missionary to the US church

What I wish my supporters understood about my work as a missionary

We will not support you as a missionary because...

A wake up call for missions: The world is moving to the city

Moving from fear to friendships with Muslims

Sticker shock in missions

Holistic missions: Cautions and Opportunities

Bride over Brand

Best practices for training overseas

Strategic missions strategy: Leveraging your investment

Its about the Bride not the Brand

Generosity by ministry personnel and missionaries

Missionary support team building: Very tough work

Safety is not our highest value

Missions and child protection

Parents: A major inhibitor to sending new missionaries

The world hits 7 Billion

TED talk at the Mission Exchange on critical shifts that need to take place in the mission world

It really is a very bad idea

Changing antiquated local church mission strategies

Definitions of poverty and wealth in the majority world

Muslims are not the problem

Straight talk about results in missions

Disappointment in missions

Leadership in missions

Persecution: How God turns the tables

Syncretism and false altars

Missions in the 21st Century: Two circles, one goal

When money hurts mission efforts

From leader to partner in global missions

What kind of churches should we be planting around the world?

Western vs. indigenous missionaries

Missions and the Holy Spirit

Determining what missionaries to support?

What is the Gospel worth?

Do it alone or do it together

Missions and the incarnation

It's too dangerous

Trends in missions today

Game changers in missions

Emotional Intelligence in missions

Understanding Sharia law

Missions nice and missions strategic

Missions and risk

Real missions

The changing face of world missions

What missionaries should your church support?

Best practices that can help you leverage your missions strategy

By the numbers: A snapshot of our globe

Ordinary people

Ripples in global ministry

Friday, February 8, 2019

Time as a unit of measurement (but not the way you think)

A recent comment from a CEO client of mine caught my attention and I have been thinking about it since. He said to me, "Your help has saved me 18 to 24 months that it would have taken me to get to this place without you. I had never heard anyone express time as a unit of measurement quite like that. But the more I thought about it the more it made sense.

I have often challenged organizations not just to tweak what they do but to actively look for the game changers that would allow them to take a giant step forward. Game changers are strategic decisions, ways of doing things and paradigm shifts that allow you to take a quantum leap in the direction you want to go. Essentially they are helping you get to your destination far faster than you would otherwise. You are, as my CEO client said, shaving off months or years that it would have taken you to get to your destination otherwise.

In a world where time is our most precious commodity that makes perfect sense. Why twiddle and tweak when we might be able to find solutions that propel us forward quickly. Not because we are that much better but because we are thinking that much smarter. Ordinary organizations seeing far greater results simply because we are doing what we do in a smarter way. This is not about peddling faster with the same methodology. It is about changing the methodology in order to get further faster.

This is why we hire consultants! They are not smarter than we are. But looking at your processes and methodologies from the outside give them a perspective that you don't have. Their solutions are not revolutionary except they may shave months or years off of the time to reach your desired outcome. That is revolutionary - not the methodology itself.

I tell the story of how this happened in the organization I led in the past in the blog Looking away from the lamppost.  We didn't get smarter but we did change the paradigm which changed everything.

What holds us back? The methodologies that we are used to and which hold our minds hostage. What we are used to keeps us from discovering innovation - the game changers. Try this exercise. Ask yourself the question: "Where do I want my organization to be in five years?" Then ask, "If I were designing it today, how would I organize to get there on time or earlier?" "What could I change to speed up the process?" Don't twiddle and tweak but look at changing your methodology to achieve a faster and perhaps even a better result. Think of time saved as your unit of measurement. How much time can you save in the journey so you get further faster?

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The sad legacy of Sex abuse in MK boarding schools: New Tribes Mission - Ethnos 360

First they were abused by pedophiles masquerading as missionaries. Then they were abused by their mission agencies who denied, covered up and didn't admit!

One of the sad legacies of the mission enterprise were boarding schools for mission kids that harbored pedophiles who were responsible for the abuse of numerous children. While this may not have been a widespread phenomena it was widespread enough that it touched the lives of many MK's (Missionary Kids) who then found that their mission agency did everything they could to cover up the shameful abuse. When the MK's confronted the agencies, they were met with executives who said "I don't believe you," "Keep it quiet for the sake of the gospel" or outright denial - all the while as they transferred the offenders out of the area and often reassigned them to another.

The abuse was not reported to American authorities as it took place overseas which means that many of these abusers, even when discovered, live today in communities across the United States and are not labeled as sex offenders. Meanwhile, MK's must live with the scars of the past, some have left their faith and many are deeply cynical of the Gospel enterprise that their parents served. In many cases, parents were told to send their kids to boarding schools because they would be too busy with "the Lord's work" to school them at home.

In the case of New Tribes Mission, now Ethnos 360, it was a blog of abuse survivors that forced the mission agency to deal with the issue. This after ignoring it for many years. You can access the MK's blog here.

The story of the New Tribes Mission and their handling of the sex abuse of children has taken on new meaning in the post #MeToo world. Below is the latest story from NBC News as well as my original posts from 2010.

From NBC News

Ungodly abuse: The lasting torment of the New Tribes Missionary kids

Former New Tribes mission members speak out on alleged abuse

Ex child mission members speak out on alleged sex abuse

From this blog

The questions raised by the New Tribes Missions scandal 

New Tribes Mission faces the consequences of their past

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Questions to ask about the intellectual capacity and EQ of potential board members

Serving on a board, church or otherwise, requires a special intellectual capacity or ability. This is not about education - many educated people have limited intellectual capacity and many who lack higher education have it along with good common sense.

It is the ability to think conceptually, to visualize what could be rather than simply what is, to be able to focus on the big picture and concepts rather than on the small picture and details and enough personal flexibility to be open to new ideas, and work constructively with other board members. It is also the ability to entrust staff to do what they must do and to always be pushing the missional agenda of the church or organization. It includes the ability to problem solve in creative ways rather than simply to fall back on what they have seen before in another church or organization.

Not everyone can do that and too often we bring well meaning, even Godly individuals onto our boards who actually hinder progress by their narrow views, inability to think conceptually and who believe that board work is guarding the status quo and controlling staff. Those who have worked on boards with people who do not have the intellectual skills enumerated above know how frustrating that can be. 

Among other considerations you may have in choosing board members it is helpful to ask the following kinds of questions:

  • Do they think big picture of small picture (You want them to think big picture)
  • Can they engage the future of the organization or simply deal with status quo? (You want them to think future)
  • Do they exhibit personal flexibility or are they inflexible in their thinking? (You want them to be flexible)
  • When problem solving do they see all the pieces or just some of the pieces? (You want them to think of all the pieces)
  • Do they like to micromanage or empower? (You want them to empower)
  • Can they trust staff or do they need to know everything before staff can act? (You want them to trust)
  • Do they work synergistically with others or do they need things their way? (You want them to work synergistically)
  • Do they think missionally or like to deal with inconsequential issues? (You want them to think missionally)
  • Are they articulate and thoughtful or confusing and quick to make judgements? (You want them to be articulate and thoughtful)
  • Do they exhibit personal humility or are they proud and overbearing? (You want them to exhibit humility)
  • Do they have all the answers or are they open to discussion and flexible in the solution? (You want them to be open and flexible)
  • Are they able to negotiate conflict or are they black and white and tend to see winners and losers. (You want them to be able to negotiate conflict well)
  • Are they generally positive or negative in their outlook on life? (You want positive people who believe good things can happen.
These are matters of EQ and intellectual capacity and they directly impact the health and effectiveness of a board and therefor the organization the board serves. Again, it is not about educational level. It is about the ability to think well and understand the big picture of the organization - in order to help it move forward. Think about the board members you know who do this well and those who lack these skills. There is a difference! The quality of your leadership is only as good as the leaders you choose.

Creating cultures of excellence